preserving your splendor blender easy and clean between makes use of is fundamental for healthy application and mixing of your makeup.
A dirty beauty blender can unfold pimples inflicting microorganisms to your pores and skin, mainly to breakouts. With proper beauty blender care, you support clear and luminous skin.
This weblog covers the whole thing you want to recognize to shop your splendor blender nicely from cleaning strategies, to drying strategies, to garage answers.
Following these excellent practices will extend the lifespan of your beauty tools and assist prevent mold, mold, and bacteria increase.
The Importance of Thorough Cleaning
Earlier than storing your splendor blender, it’s important to cleanse it thoroughly. Built up residue and oils on the sponge turn out to be breeding grounds for germs if no longer eliminated.
Look for a mild cleanser specifically formulated for beauty blenders. Some popular options:
- Beauty Blender Cleanser : Made for splendor blenders, this formulation breaks down oils, make up residue, and micro organisms with mild cleansers. Lather it onto the sponge and rub down in circular motions for two 3 minutes of scrubbing.
- Dawn Dish Soap : The grease cutting power of sunrise gets rid of built up dust and oils efficiently without drying out the sponge. Work it into the blender until bubbles appear, then rinse clean.
- Fragrance free Cleanser : For touchy pores and skin kinds, select a fragrance unfastened purifier or cleaning soap without drying alcohols. Gently work it over the entire sponge surface.
Beyond cleanser choice, your washing technique matters too. Avoid just rinsing under water you need physical agitation to detach particles.
Rub, squeeze, and rotate the sponge between your fingers until the water runs clear, signaling a deep clean. An additional disinfecting soak of 1 part bleach to 10 parts water kills lingering germs.
The Drying Process
We’ve cleaned our beauty blender now it’s time to dry it completely before storage. Moisture is mold’s best friend, so avoid putting away any damp sponges. Some drying methods to try:
Air Dry Upside Down : Place the blender upside down on a clean towel or rack, elevated so air circulates fully around it. Check back after 24 hours to ensure total dryness.
Use Silica Gel Packets : To speed drying, place a few silica gel desiccant packets in an airtight container with your beauty blender. The packets absorb residual moisture from the sponge.
Hang to Dry : Thread dental floss, string or ribbon through holes in the blender and hang it in a well ventilated spot like an open window. Gravity aids water evaporation.
Press with Paper Towels : Blot and press water out of the sponge using dry paper towels in between turns hanging or air drying. Faster than just leaving it to fully air dry on its own.
Take your time with the drying phase and be patient. A rushed, still damp beauty blender is a mold risk down the road. Check it’s bone dry before storing away properly.
Storage Solutions to Protect the Beauty Blender from Germs
An airtight container shelters it from contaminants gathering on surfaces when not in use. Glass jars or BPA free plastic boxes with secure sealing lids do the trick.
A few storage best practices:
- Keep it Cool : Avoid temperature extremes which can promote microbial growth. A bathroom or kitchen cabinet is ideal.
- Ventilated Area : Some opt to leave lids slightly ajar in high humidity months to allow air flow and prevent condensation build up.
- Date it : Write the purchase or first use date on your storage bin. Most experts recommend replacing your beauty blender every 3 months for optimal sanitation.
- Specialty Drying Stands : Sleek acrylic stands like the Ecocozy 2 Tier organizer display and circulate air around blenders for quick touch ups between applications.
- Replace Periodically : Switch out your usual storage container or replace it entirely every 2 or 3 months to maintain a clean home for your tools.
With diligent cleaning, drying and smart storage habits, your beauty blender investment will yield flawless complexions for seasons to come.
Minor maintenance now prevents breakouts and expensive replacements down the road. Achieving radiant skin is as simple as taking proper care of your tools.
Additional Care Tips of Beauty Blender
Beyond regular storage, consider these bonus best practices:
- Daily Quick Cleanses : When possible, wipe your blender briefly with a damp cloth or rinse under warm water after each use before the next to prevent buildup.
- Bring on Vacation : Travel size cleansers and portable hard plastic cases make tidying tools worry free even on the go.
- Label Sponges : For households with multiple makeup users, write initials directly on blenders to avoid contamination confusion.
- Discard Damaged Ones : Toss any looking worn, discolored or emitting off smells for sanitary fresh starts.
- Exfoliate Gently : Buff calluses or rough patches on hands with a damp blender on occasion for baby soft skin.
- Color Code by Complexion : Designate certain blenders just for foundation, concealer and so on to avoid introducing the wrong tones.
Proper care is a small skin self care investment paying big dividends in confident complexions for years to come.
Looking after your beauty must have as routine as your makeup application itself for radiant, gorgeous skin ahead.
Frequently Asked Question (FAQs)
Q: Where to store face sponge?
A: A standard clear acrylic organizer.
Q: How long do beauty blenders last?
A: 3-6 months.
Q: What to do with a beauty blender after use?
A: Washing with soap and water.
Q: How to keep a beauty blender from molding?
A: Ensuring your beauty blender is thoroughly cleaned and completely dry before storing it.
Q: How can I make my beauty blender last longer?
A: Cleaning your sponge often to avoid grime and buildup.
Conclusion of Beauty Blender
Taking the time to properly store your beauty blender is a key part of maintaining clear, healthy skin.
By thoroughly cleaning and allowing the sponge to fully dry before storage in an airtight container, you prevent mold, mildew and bacteria buildup.
This keeps your tool and your complexion in tip top shape. With diligent cleaning, drying and storage practices per the guidelines above, your beauty blender can serve you well for many makeup applications to come.
Prioritizing your skin health through mindful tool care pays off in luminous, breakout free skin you can show off with confidence.